Friday, April 20, 2012

Pink Eye

Vanity Note: That nose is enormous
Guess how many kids have pink eye?  None. It's me, I'm it.  I spent the night in Children's hospital with the baby (hospitalized for RSV-rough night- he's better) and kept my contacts in the whole time.  Doing that apparently dried my eyes out and made the contact stick to the eye, making small scratches on my EYEBALL,so that bacteria had an easy entrance point and there we have it.  Five straight days of the ugliest pink eye you've ever seen.  I mean it- I have seen lots of pink goopy eyes, but this takes the cake. This pic was taken on the fifth day, fourth day of antibiotics, and I'm still pink, goopy and swollen.  Needless to say: I threw those contacts out, and will never sleep in contacts again.

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