Monday, April 30, 2012

Twice Now

This is twice now that I have had to leave the gym because Layla would not stop crying.  Frustration is not even the word for it.  The sweet day care girl showed up standing next to my treadmill just as Dr Dre was getting real up and real deal Holyfield.  I want to kick things and throw a fit.  Instead I came home and held Davis off of his nap until we could go pick up Waylon.  Now the babies are asleep, the boys are 'dirting' (playing in the dirt) and I am eating chocolate nut clusters in a state of misery.
The good news is I lost 2 pounds this week!  But after wine and junk food all day yesterday I needed the gym today.  Like really NEEDED it.  I had it all planned out, I was going to get on the treadmill and sort out all of my confusing house buying thoughts.  I was going to organize my list of things to buy and bake for shower/wedding season coming up, and I was going to phase into a better organized, non appointment missing mom.  Now I'm just complaining. Hopefully better luck tomorrow...

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